LecturesSpeakers : - Gokhan SOYDAN (Bursa Uludag University, Turkey),
Part I: Lectures 1, 2, 3 by Gokhan SOYDAN,
(Nota : the Abstracts below cannot be obtained by a LaTeX compilation and some symbols like \neq, \equiv,... are used as in a LaTeX source .tex - we hope that the reader will understand the mathematics, and encourage him (her) to refer to the research papers themselves)
Lecture No 1: On the solutions of a class of generalized Fermat equations of signature (2, 2n, 3) In this lecture, we first consider the Diophantine equation 7x2 + y2n = 4z3. We determine all This Lecture is based on [2, 3].
Let k, l \geq 2 be fixed integers. In this lecture, we first consider the Diophantine equation
Firstly, we prove that all solutions of the equation (0.2) in integers x, y, n with x, y \geq 1, n geq 2 satisfy
n < C1 where C1 = C1(l; k) is an effectively computable constant. Secondly, we prove that all solutions of this equation in integers x, y, n with x, y \geq 1, n \geq 2 and k \neq 3 satisfy max{x, y, n} < C2 where C2 is an effectively computable constant depending only on k and l. Next, we consider the Diophantine equation (x - d)2 + x2 + (x + d)2 = yn (0.3) Firstly, we give an explicit formula for all positive integer solutions of the equation (0.3) when n is
an odd prime and d = pr, p > 3 a prime. Secondly, under the assumption of our first result, we prove that the equation (0.3) has at most one solution (x, y). Thirdly, for a general d, we prove the following two results: (i) if every odd prime divisor q of d satises q \not\equiv \pm 1 (mod 2n), then (0.3) has only the solution (x, y, d, n) = (21, 11, 2, 3). (ii) if n > 228000 and d > 8 \sqrt{2}, then all solutions (x, y) of (0.3) satisfy yn < 23/2 d3 .
This Lecture is based on [1], [4] and [6].
Lecture No 3: On the solutions of some generalized Lebesgue-Ramanujan-Nagell equations
(Wednesday May 3 - 14:00-16:00) In this lecture, we first introduce generalized Lebesgue-Ramanujan-Nagell equations. Then, using
the modular approach (S. Siksek, [11]) , we show that if k \equiv 0 (mod 4), 30 < k < 724 and 2k - 1 is an odd prime power, then under the GRH (generalized Riemann hypothesis), the generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation of the form x2+(2k-1)y = kz has only one positive integer solution (x, y, z) = (k-1, 1, 2). The above results solve some dicult cases of Terai's conecture concerning this equation. This Lecture is based on [5].
Lecture No 4: Algebraic equations from a class of integer polynomials having lacunarity conditions (Tuesday May 2 - 11:15-12:30 + Wednesday May 3 - 11:00- 12:30) In this lecture we consider the class of integer polynomials :
C := { -1 + x + xn + xm1 + xm2 + ... + xms : n \geq 3, m1 - n \geq n - 1, mq - mq-1 \geq n - 1, for 2 \leq q \leq s }
Mellin's approach provides exact expressions of all the roots, for any n \geq 3 and any s \geq 0. The case s = 0 corresponds to the trinomials. We show that it is not sufficient to classify the roots, those close to the unit circle, those off the unit circle. We develop the method of the asymptotic expansions (called ``Poincare") for the solutions of -1 + x + xn = 0, for n \geq 3, and extend it to any polynomial of C. Those off the unit circle form lenticuli. The set of lenticular roots can be completed and forms a curve of solutions, image of a neighbourhood of 1 in (0, 1). To prove this, we show that any polynomial P of C is uniquely associated to a Renyi numeration dynamical system ([0, 1], Tb) where Tb is the b-transformation and 1/b is the unique zero of P in (0, 1). The factorization of any P \in C is deduced from Ljunggren's method and Kronecker's average value theorem. A Conjecture on the non-existence of reciprocal non-cyclotomic components is formulated. For the reciprocal algebraic integers b > 1 very close to 1, using Kala-Vavra's theorem, we show an accumulation of conjugates of on the completed lenticular curve. A (Dobrowolski-type) minoration of the Mahler measure M(b) is deduced. References
[1] D. Bartoli and G. Soydan, The Diophantine equation (x+1)k +(x+2)k +...+(lx)k = yn revisited, Publ. Math. Debrecen 96/1-2 (2020), 111--120. [2] K. Chalupka, A. Dabrowski and G. Soydan, On a class of generalized Fermat equations of signature (2, 2n, 3), J. Number Theory 34 (2022), 154--178. [3] K. Chalupka, A. Dabrowski and G. Soydan, On a class of generalized Fermat equations of signature (2, 2n, 3), II, submitted. [4] M.-H. Le and G. Soydan,On the power values of the sum of three squares in arithmetic progression, Math. Commun., 27 (2022), 137--150.
[5] E. K. Mutlu, M. H. Le and G. Soydan, A modular approach to the generalized Lebesgue-Ramanujan-Nagell equation, Indagationes Mathematicae 33 (2022), 992--1000. [6] G. Soydan, On the Diophantine equation (x + 1)k + (x + 2)k + ... + (lx)k = yn, Publ. Math. Debrecen 91 (2017), 369--382. [7] J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, On the Conjecture of Lehmer, limit Mahler measure of trinomials and asymptotic expansions, Uniform Distribution Theory J. 11 (2016), 79--139. [8] D. Dutykh, J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, Alphabets, rewriting trails, periodic representation in algebraic basis, Res. Number Theory 7:64 (2021). [9] J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, A proof of the Conjecture of Lehmer math NT> arXiv:1911.10590 (29 Oct 2021), 114 pages. [10] D. Dutykh, J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, On a class of lacunary almost-Newman polynomials modulo p and density theorems, Unif. Distrib. Theory 17, No 1 (2022), 29--54. The modular approach:
[11] S. Siksek, The Modular Approach to Diophantine Equations, IHPNotes.
Recent: (1) Elif Kizildere Mutlu, Maohua Le and G. Soydan, An elementary approach to the generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (2023), to appear. (2) J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, A Dobrowolski-type inequality for the poles of the dynamical zeta function of the b-shift, submitted (2022). https://hal.science/hal-03754732v1 (3) J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, An universal minoration of the Mahler measure of real reciprocal algebraic integers, (2022). https://hal.science/hal-03754750v1 (4) J.-L. Verger-Gaugry, A Panorama on the Minoration of the Mahler Measure: from the Problem of Lehmer to its Reformulations in Topology and Geometry, https://hal.science/hal-03148129v1 |
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